Security Reporting at Your Fingertips





New in Version 3.0

Officer Location & Tour Tracking


With up to the minute accuracy, review the movements of the security officers as rounds are conducted throughout the service facility.

Needing only a smart phone with a camera, Security Officers can now conduct recorded patrol paths with the assistance of basic communication devices and generate "up to the minute" reporting that is available to the client through a cloud based web portal.

Ease of use is the focus of the scanning app utilized from almost any internet ready cellular phone, so the officer on duty can report on their whereabouts while keeping their attention on the status and environment at the service location.

D.O.R.S. version 3.0 brings a revamp of the user interface, improving on the use of screen real estate, enhanced ability to support customization and broadening cross platform performance ported to many devices including PC, Ipad, Iphone, Samsung Galaxy, Droid and a variety of other smart devices.